FFL - Founders Factory Ltd
FFL stands for Founders Factory Ltd
Here you will find, what does FFL stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Founders Factory Ltd? Founders Factory Ltd can be abbreviated as FFL What does FFL stand for? FFL stands for Founders Factory Ltd. What does Founders Factory Ltd mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in London, Greater London.
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Alternative definitions of FFL
- Fairfield, Iowa USA
- Federal Firearms License
- Feminists for Life
- Federal Firearm License
- Friends For Life
- Faaberg Fotball Lillehammer
- Fantasy Fishing League
- Food For Life
View 131 other definitions of FFL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FRC Friendship Retirement Community
- FHTC Flint Hills Technical College
- FCBNY FCB New York
- FDL Factory Design Labs
- FOH Fairmont Olympic Hotel
- FL Friends for Life
- FMCAP Ford Motor Company Asia Pacific
- FCCC Four County Career Center
- FPMN Flash Private Mobile Networks
- FAK Fashion Avenue Knits
- FANP First Aluminium Nigeria PLC
- FZS Frankfurt Zoological Society
- FSS Focus School Software
- FPG Foundation Partners Group
- FTI Fortress Technology Inc.
- FSYR Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches
- FTI Fuel Transport Inc.
- FNR Fox News Radio
- FEG Family Entertainment Group
- FLML Financial Lifestyle Management Ltd.